Sunday, April 1, 2012

Does Internet Use at Work Increase Employee Productivity?

Internet in the Workplace has a negative connotation attached to it. You automatically think negatively when you hear those words. But the question is, could internet use in the workplace actually be a "good" thing? A study performed by Melbourne University states that internet misuse actually increases productivity. "People who do surf the internet for fun at work - within a reasonable limit of less than 20 per cent of their total time in the office - are more productive by about nine per cent than those who don't," said Dr Coker, from the university's Department of Management and Marketing.

This is very interesting considering the reason many companies have internet policies is to prevent a decrease in productivity. The fact that a study has proven otherwise is something that companies need to research. Maybe after some additional research on this subject, new policies can be put into place in order to increase employee productivity. An interesting idea could be to have designated "surf times" where employees are free to surf the internet for a certain amount of time. Another idea could be to have the internet linked to a timer that only allows surfing for that 20% of the time discussed in the study. Not only could these ideas encourage new employees to become interested in the company, but could help the attitude of current ones and create a more enjoyable work environment. 

Has anyone experienced what seems like an increase in productivity because of permitted internet use? Does anyone work at a company where internet browsing permitted for productivity purposes?

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  1. I think that 20 min of surfing the internet and getting paid is awsome, because it let me do what I need to do in 20 min so that I wont have to worry about during work. I think that after that surf time people get bore and want to do something productive. I think that it is true because after some time of surfing on the internet i work faster and better.

  2. I have never noticed an increase in productivity at my work when internet is available. I have noticed that access to internet is more of a distraction. I like the idea of having a specific amount of "surf" time. Another idea is to maybe block the specific sites that are a distraction to employees.

  3. The answer to the question is no,it dos not increase productivity. When people are online doing their "surfing time" as noted in someones comment, as soon as they log off they start thinking maybe they had a bill to pay, check on an online auction, or get on Facebook. In reality they are spending more and more time on line and it takesaway from productivity.

  4. most people, especially students feel as if they work hard for say 45 minutes doing work that they should receive a reward of being able to surf the web for 10-15 minutes. depending on how much work they were actually doing within the 45 minutes would serve as the determinant if this was actually a positive or negative structure. I know speaking for my self I would not be very productive using this strategy because my 10 minute reward would end up being an hour and I would have lost all motivation to be productive.

  5. I believe that internet should not be available for use in the work place, or even in any place where you have to do some duties. People always trying to find a way out of doing their work and do something fun instead. I totally disagree with this study, and I believe that there will be no productivity at all as long as we have a way out, and surfing the internet is absolutely one of the ways out.

  6. I think that employees being allowed to use the internet while at work could help productivity. Being in a boring office job can hurt productivity, it can get tedious and monotonous. Being able to take a few minutes here and there to read the news and check your email as long as you go back to what you were doing isnt such a bad idea. It would honestly take someone with a strong will to actually do their work and not be distracted for a long period of time.

  7. It seems as though people have differing opinions when it comes to the question as to whether or not internet use in the workplace would positively impact productivity. More studies need to be done to gain more reliable numbers.
