Sunday, February 19, 2012

Internet Misuse Isn't Uncommon

One doesn't need to go far to find someone who has participated in internet misuse in the workplace. I for one, will be the first to admit that I may have abused the privileges of having Internet capabilities on my computer at my job. Whether checking e-mails, playing online games, or simply surfing the web while at work,employees abuse the Internet on a daily basis. Successful monitoring can be very hard for companies and small firms to accomplish. Most superiors are busy with their own tasks to constantly peer over the shoulders of their employees to ensure they are only using their computer for approved reasons. This is one factor that makes internet misuse in the workplace so easy for employees to partake in.


  1. My company actually lets me go online and do as I please because I am a very productive employee. They tend to give more freedom to employees who are responsible, productive and can manage their time. Of course their our certain employees who have lost their privileges. Our work is very monotonous, so the a quick distraction is actually beneficial to being more productive. They do block websites such as Facebook and yahoo though.

    My company also tracks which websites people go on, and keeps a record. This tends to keep employees in check. Plus, if one tries to access a forbidden website a big red screen pops up that says that your activity has been logged and your supervisor will be notified.

  2. I think it is ridiculous that employers treat internet misuse as a crime almost. Most employers are older than the internet so they are not use to the distraction and think it is counter productive. I think as long as the employee is getting their work done at the pace and quality expected then they should be allowed to browse the internet granted they are not looking at anything scandalous. Allowing your employees a little more freedom and trust like Christine said would make the employees enjoy their work place more and not be so worried about getting caught by simply checking Facebook first thing as they get on the computer, which is practically programed into the younger generations. It is a new age and there is clearly more technology than ever before and we need to learn how to balance both of them and not be so uptight. I am sure the radio was the same way back in the day. Employers probably thought singing along to the radio was counterproductive and now that is usually acceptable as long as you are not being obnoxious about it.

  3. It is interesting to see how employers handle Internet misuse. I think the key is to look at everyone individually and not as a collective whole. If some people are more productive than others, they should be given the luxury to continue to surf the internet rather than be punished for it. But if unproductive employees are struggling to finish their work while surfing the internet, then they should be punished for it.
